New Angel Club

Angel Investor Hands-on Training

WHAT: Interactive sessions to learn and practice Angel Investing

WHEN: Every WED @ 4pm, Mar 6-May 2

WHO: Those seeking experience in Angel Investing. New and seasoned investors alike will benefit from this in depth and interactive program.

WHERE: Hybrid - Virtually on Zoom & in-person in Abq & Santa Fe


What is Angel Investing?

“Angels” are accredited investors willing to take calculated risks on promising entrepreneurs and their companies. Because of the early nature of these investments, they are high-risk high-reward opportunities. For investors, an early check maximizes upside on return potential. In New Mexico, Angels are a key driver of economic growth. We take companies from proof of concept to commercialization, which will allow them to attract additional funding.

Recommended Reading:

Who Is This Program For?

Our New Angel Club for any private investor seeking to diversify their portfolio. We welcome new, aspiring and seasoned investors to find benefit in this collaborative, action-oriented program. 

Together, we will cover the nuts and bolts of evaluating start-up companies and making the critical angel investment decision. All are welcome to our seven-week complimentary course, whether you are an experienced professional turning expertise to Angel deals or a newcomer looking for ways to help the local economy. 

Participants in the paid cohort starting in March must meet SEC Angel Accreditation Requirements. We will cover this in the initial sessions.

How Does The Program Work?

New Angel Club is an eight-week workshop series on Angel investing. These collaborative sessions will highlight real-life New Mexico case studies in the form of experienced investors and entrepreneurs currently navigating the investment ecosystem. Our goal is to cultivate a community of interest and action for Angel Investments.  

The first two session are free (Mar 6th & 13th) and open to anyone; the following sessions are for those who wish to continue learning as a peer group through making actual Angel Investments. Our expert advisors will guide the group through the process of selecting companies and conducting a Due Diligence process to assess investability. The cohort will conclude with making actual investment decisions and an opportunity to join New Mexico Angels as full investor members. To join the paid cohort, we ask that participants meet SEC Angel Accreditation Requirements.

Participation Details

Initial Sessions: No Cost, All Are Welcome - Mar 6th & Mar 13th
Paid Program: Six Sessions + Due Diligence Documents + Joint investment
$500 or Join NM Angels as an Angel Member. Details here
Willingness to invest at least $10K in 2024

Note - All are welcome to the introductory sessions.
Full program requirement is to meet SEC Angel Accreditation Requirements.

Event Sponsors

A Special thank you to The BioScience Center and Santa Fe Business Incubator for hosting our local groups