Investor-entrepreneur ’roundtable’ planned for Feb. 12


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The New Mexico Angels and the ABQid business accelerator will play Cupid this Valentine’s Day by pairing startup entrepreneurs with business-savvy investors at a roundtable event Feb. 12.

Sunday, Feb. 14, is the real day for romantic couples. But the two organizations say their upcoming “Startup Investor Roundtable” is specially themed for those who “love startups” in honor of Valentine’s Day.

It’s the second roundtable event since November, when the Angels and ABQid partnered to launch their new networking forum as a quarterly get-together for select startup entrepreneurs seeking assistance to grow their businesses with investors who can offer mentoring, advice and maybe some capital if the participants click.

“If the chemistry’s there, investments can come out of it, but the event is about making connections and building networking opportunities,” said ABQid Executive Director T.J. Cook.

Read the rest at the Albuquerque Journal